Amazon Coin System
What Are Amazon Coins?
Amazon coins are a Role-Play currency to use in your daily IC interactions. You can trade food and other items to earn coin, and there are also various markets throughout the Amazon where you can buy food and useful items. You can also pay and receive coin from other players using their Life HUD.
We do not use Lindens or any form of RL money in our RP. Amazon coin are a virtual currency and are stored either in your Amazon Life HUD or with the 'Accountant' who keeps your coins safe for you at Tanana.
On the very first time, you accept the Amazon Experience, you are gifted 200 coin to get you started. Subsequent acceptance of the Experience, does not give you more coins.
Amazon Life HUD
When you trade or are paid coin by a player, the value is added to the total in your Life HUD. Any money that you pay out either buying items or paying players is taken from the balance in your HUD.
Your Life HUD can hold a maximum of 10,000 coin, so we recommend that you don't keep it filled to the maximum. If you are carrying the maximum amount, and you trade or are paid by a player, you will lose what you earn if it takes the HUD over 10,000 coin.
To check how much you have in your Life HUD, use the 'Who Am I' function:
status: Healer, combat ok
Ammo loaded: 40
Nets loaded: 0
Curare Arrows: 3
Health: 20.000000
Strength: 40.000000
Vaccination status:0.000000 %
1.954785 m tall
900 coins
**ALL** Lookout points visited. Exploring status 'DAREDEVIL'
tribe/faction: Amazon Monks
**ALL** quests solved. Enlightenment status 'ENLIGHTENED'
No Mojo Bonus
When you have too many coins stored in your HUD, you will receive a warning to reduce the amount stored.
You can trade food and other valuable items at any of the many 'Trade Tables' throughout the jungle.
To trade an item, rezz it on the table and then touch the table. The table will take the item and send coins to your HUD.
[15:07:05] Amazon Trading Table (cashless): Make sure you have placed your item - checking....
[15:07:06] Amazon Trading Table (cashless): Regular trading day! Standard Rate!
[15:07:06] Amazon Trading Table (cashless): Your coin(s) to the value of 2 have been credited to you
[15:07:06] life hud amazon version 23-01-01 1: you received 2 coins. you have now 852 coins
You can buy food, ammo, tools and other useful things from many places in the Amazon.
To do so, just stand close to the vendor and [15:09:21] life hud amazon version 23-01-01 1: Ψ Maccus Ψ paid you 100 coins. you have 100 coins
it to buy the item and confirm the purchase.
[15:06:28] Pickaxe Vendor (cashless): Stand by...
[15:06:29] life hud amazon version 23-01-01 1: you paid 50 coins. 850 coins left
[15:06:30] Pickaxe Vendor (cashless): Amount owed is paid in full. Thank you!
[15:06:34] Second Life: Pickaxe Vendor (cashless) owned by BawonLaKwa gave you 'Amazon Pickaxe v0.2a' ( Rio Tapajos (198,218,20) ).
Paying Other Players
Your Amazon Life HUD also allows players to pay coin to each other.
To pay another player:
- Point your avatar towards that person, you will see their name appear to the right of your HUD.
- Click on this text to access their Life HUD.
- Select 'Pay' from the menu.
- Enter the amount you wish to give the player. It cannot be higher than the total you have stored in your HUD or it will fail.
- The payment will be sent to the player:
[15:09:21] life hud amazon version 23-01-01 1: you paid 100 coins to ωhisper . 752 coins left
6. The other player also gets a message:
[15:09:21] life hud amazon version 23-01-01 1: Ψ Maccus Ψ paid you 100 coins. you have 100 coins
The Accountant
Sooner or later, your pouch may be too full of coin for you to want to carry it around. You can visit your accountant to manage your affairs.
He is to be found in Tanana which you can reach through a portal if you have discovered Tanana already, or by Role-Play with locals to find this hidden land.
Only one person at a time may carry out financial transactions with the Accountant.
- When you approach the Accountant, he will first give you a choice of either your personal account, or your shared tribe's account.
- Note: How as a tribe you manage who can access your coin is up to you, but all members of the group that the Home Stone is set to can share in the account, both to deposit or withdraw.
- So, for this example, we will select the 'Mine' option.
The accountant will then check your account and tell you your last 10 transactions with him and how much
(if anything) you currently have on deposit with him.
[15:11:36] your accountant:
entry: 10979 - date: 2022-12-30 17:11:27 - by: Ψ Maccus Ψ (marcus.zenoria) - old_value: 190054 - coins: 1000 - current_value: 191054
entry: 10972 - date: 2022-12-30 13:14:57 - by: Ψ Maccus Ψ (marcus.zenoria) - old_value: 191944 - coins: -1890 - current_value: 190054
entry: 10970 - date: 2022-12-30 13:05:21 - by: Ψ Maccus Ψ (marcus.zenoria) - old_value: 192944 - coins: -1000 - current_value: 191944
entry: 10954 - date: 2022-12-29 16:46:48 - by: Ψ Maccus Ψ (marcus.zenoria) - old_value: 191944 - coins: 1000 - current_value: 192944
entry: 10952 - date: 2022-12-29 16:28:48 - by: Ψ Maccus Ψ (marcus.zenoria) - old_value: 193944 - coins: -2000 - current_value: 191944
entry: 10834 - date: 2022-12-26 15:41:40 - by: Ψ Maccus Ψ (marcus.zenoria) - old_value: 194144 - coins: -200 - curr
[15:11:36] your accountant: Your account holds here 191054 coins (only you can see this line)
- You now have the choice of withdrawing coin from your account with the accountant, or depositing some from your Life HUD.
Depositing Coin With The Accountant
- If you select the 'Deposit' option, a window will open for you to type how much you want to transfer from your HUD to the Accountant.
- The accountant removes your chosen quantity of coin from your HUD and puts it in your account.
[11:51:05] your accountant: This was a succesful transaction. It was my utmost pleasure to do business with you. Please come back soon!
[11:51:05] life hud amazon version 23-01-03 2: you received -123 coins. you have now 929 coins
[11:51:05] your accountant: Record inserted successfully
[11:51:05] your accountant: Your account holds here 190631 coins (only you can see this line)
Withdrawing Coin From The Accountant
- If you select the 'Withdraw' option, a window will open for you to type how much you want to transfer from the Accountant your HUD.
- The accountant removes your chosen quantity of coin from your HUD and puts it in your account.
[11:55:34] your accountant: This was a succesful transaction. It was my utmost pleasure to do business with you. Please come back soon!
[11:55:34] life hud amazon version 23-01-03 2: you received 145 coins. you have now 1074 coins
[11:55:35] your accountant: Record inserted successfully
[11:55:35] your accountant: Your account holds here 190732 coins (only you can see this line)
- All your transactions with the accountant are confidential and cannot be seen by anyone else, even if close to you at Tanana.
Tribe Accounts
Each tribe or faction 'Home Stone' has an account associated with it. Anyone in the group that is registered to your Home Stone, can access the account to either deposit or withdraw coin.
You can use this facility as you wish, just be mindful that anyone in the same group can take or pay coin into the tribe account.
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