Events In The Amazon River
A brief guide which shall help to avoid misunderstandings.
Amazon River is defined for a big part by its residents, by you. And therefore, administration holds back a lot and gives you plenty of freedom. Which starts by how and where you place your camp and extends to you organizing your own tribe or faction how you think it should be. Our guiding aims to keep the atmosphere right and to support you with our skills and options. So please do not receive the following as limitation, but as enhancement.
Time and planning
You must tell us about the event by using the “Mentor” button in the Amazon Life HUD. Name, Date, Location. That way we can make sure that it does not cut into other events, and we can list it in the official calendar. As soon as administration is aware about the event, you will have one of the admin team reach out to you. This is then your one and only admin person for this event. No one else of the admin team. Each event has one admin-team-member as contact for you. Please do not try to shortcut others of the administration when you feel things could go faster or anything. It will only burn our time and resources.
You can run your event either in your camp or at Acan’s haunt. In either case, the event will be IC, In Character. While I pondered and maybe mentioned the option of OOC events, I corrected my view on that. Events in the Amazon are IC. Anywhere.
Acan’s haunt offers the advantage that the Amazon Life HUD is disabled. So, a sudden raid of attackers or an outbreak of a disease does not happen. Also, if you have a bigger event in mind, you can decorate a few days ahead already.
However, you can have your event also in your camp.
What we will not offer is that we redecorate or rearrange trees or plants or buildings for a one-off event in the jungle. So, either Acan’s haunt or your camp, or you pick a place elsewhere on the regions but work with what is there.
In any case, we highly recommend that you hold your event in one of the full regions, not a homestead. Homesteads can only accommodate 25 people maximum, so your event will be sparsely attended!
Themes for events
Please be original and, if possible, attempt to work in some indigenous/native elements that relate in any way to the region where the Amazon River is based in. Understand also that in South America not everywhere, the way how the “Western Hemisphere” looks at things is shared. So, the importance of some activities is there higher, than in, for example, the U.S. and on some it does not even exist. While Carnival in Rio is a big event, Mardi Grass is quite not so. Dia de los Muertos is, Halloween, not so. You get the idea. Following this thought, there were many events that took place and turned out to be successful. Be it the offer for free body painting at Gallivant’s Clearing, a song contest, sport events like “Capture the flag” and many others. Please do not try to do events like “80ties music evening” or “best in lingerie” or “Christmas deco with Santa”, “greedy contests” or anything else of those boring, cookie cutter events that are found on every corner in Second Life.
Deco for your event
Please refrain from any “media on a prim” items, also known as “YouTube video players” as I don’t think streaming RL videos into the Amazon is helping the immersion. Also miss out on those fancy light towers with flash and stroboscope lights that would turn your camp into a copy of “Saturday Night Fever”. You want a bar? Check via picture search on YouTube how those would look like in the Jungle. Or consult Video games. My recommendation here: Far Cry 3. Dig the screenshots there. They catch the mood just right.
Music stream
We can adjust the music stream if you want one for your event. Provide the URL for that 24h ahead. Make sure it is running when the event takes place and is off when the event is finished.
Behaviour during events
Please inform your tribe/faction, every single member, that gestures as you know them from clubs, are heavily frowned upon. As are spankers, moaning devices and other silly stuff that falls into the “GTSY Show Luvin to our Deejaayy” category. Please do not allow them, and please educate your people. Same goes for High Heels. A party is no reason to wear these.
Contests and Prizes
If you plan to set out prizes or awards, do it. But never use L$ as prize. In no way should the awarding happen in real cash. For many reasons, legal ones among them.
If the administration disapproves of anything in the concept, their word is final. We do not disapprove to make life difficult for you. When we decide against something that you had in mind, then please have trust and faith into our knowledge and yes, we know best.
Having that said, we look forward to your event!
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