Amazon Roles

There are two primary roles in the Amazon River:

  • Amazon Explorer (a casual visitor).
  • Amazon Local (someone who lives here or visits regularly).

Amazon Explorer

This role is the default for people who visit here casually - perhaps just to roam around, or to take photos/machinima.

An Explorer can take any appearance, although we prefer to try to keep things 'real' here - so exotic or unusual appearance may attract Role-Played suspicion and even aggression.

Remember - everyone at the Amazon, Explorers and Locals alike, wear the Amazon Life HUD and is part of the community here. There is no 'opt out of RP' at the Amazon 🙂

Amazon Local

This role is for people who play here regularly or live here.

All locals (except the Admin approved roles and Wildlife) are humanoid.  

This is the Amazon River in the modern day, so please dress accordingly, using the examples given below as guidance - this is not medieval, it is not Gor, it is not science fiction 🙂

Your overall 'look' and 'approach' is dictated by who you have chosen to be. Some examples are given below but feel free to develop any character that fits and makes sense within the overall scope of the Amazon.


You can have mild fantasy traits on your body. That means, you can have pointy ears - or a colourful skin, or both. However, these conditions must be obeyed:

  • Your appearance (and Role-Play) is humanoid
  • Dragons, werewolves, centaurs, furries, cartoon figures, mer-people or anything else not humanoid won't get promoted and will be demoted. They can roam as guests for the first few weeks or months, (that has always been so) but that's about it.
  • Wings and tails for locals are not allowed. Admin appointed roles such as 'Kayra the Imp' and Seekers are the only exception to that rule.
  • You are not allowed to claim any extra powers: not in role-play, and also not via any "magic HUD's" or the like. Your powers are exactly 100% the same, as with the average John or Jane Doe: human.
  • If you role-play an animal, your powers are those of that typical animal (e.g. Jaguar).

When blessed by a Seeker or a Monk

Once you are promoted to a 'Local', you will be able to pick a more descriptive role for your character. These roles are as follows:


    • Will wear tribal style clothes or be naked, your skin and hair will be dark, and you will typically use native weapons (bows, spears, blowpipes etc).
    • You may be warlike, or you may prefer to lead a simple life tending crops etc. 
    • Native means 'indigenous', that means they must have been born and bred in the Jungle. 
    • Those with the native tag cannot be fair-skinned or blue-eyed: if you are such, you are a 'Settler', although you can of course live a native 'life'.


    • You wear suitable 'jungle' clothing, you can be of any ethnic background, your weapons can be appropriate to who you are, if you choose to arm yourself at all.
    • Your approach will be dictated by your reason for being in the jungle - perhaps you are a scientist, or a photographer, or maybe something more sinister - evading taxes, or on the run for some reason.


    • You will likely be wearing combats or fatigues of some sort,  you can be of any ethnic background, you are likely to be heavily armed.
    • Your approach will be assertive and/or devious.


    • You will likely be wearing torn or dirty clothing, perhaps none. You would be disorientated after a crash, or perhaps you were kidnapped and left here and have no idea where you are.
    • Perhaps you are trying to find a way home, perhaps hurt or just angry to find yourself in the jungle.


    • Always animal in appearance and a realistic/authentic animal that one might find in a jungle
      • No centaurs, dragons, dinosaurs, furries, please!. 
    • Wildlife must be WILD, and not friendly or a pet. 
    • Animals cannot speak, and the Monks punish speaking animals as an 'abomination' - they can however emote in short sentences.
    • The Amazon Life HUD has a special 'animal mode' - experiment with it.


    • Always animal in appearance and a realistic/authentic animal that one might often find domesticated (cats, dogs, rabbits, parrots etc.
      • No tame wild animals, centaurs, dragons, dinosaurs, furries, please! 
    • Animals cannot speak, and the Monks punish speaking animals as an 'abomination' - they can however emote in short sentences.
    • The Amazon Life HUD has a special 'animal mode' - experiment with it.


Once a player has become a local, they also have the possibility to become a Healer or Shaman. This role enables them to heal wounded or 'downed' players and treat the various Amazon River Illnesses. 

Both Shaman and Healer have the same abilities to heal and treat others, but there is a difference in their Role-play and the way they heal.


  • A Shaman will be 'native' in appearance, and their healing Role-play would probably involve calling on spirits (not magic), more natural ingredients in potions and possibly chanting or such. Shamen will have been born and raised in the jungle.


  • Healers are those from outside a native background. Their Role-play tends to be more modern in its approach.

Admin Approved Roles

These roles are part of the Amazon River role-play lore, and those chosen, will also help and guide players IC.


  • All Seekers are appointed by the Monks. They are always naked, and always carry a slingshot. Some have tails, some do not.  
  • A seeker acts on behalf of the Monks, nurturing the Amazon and those who visit here.  
  • Seekers can reward good role-players with the blessing of the Monks (and OOC promotion to a Local). Be warned though! Do not approach a Seeker and ask for this blessing - the Seekers will come to you when the time is right.


  • This is a special role by invitation only. The Priesthood organise rituals and celebrations, acting on behalf of the Monks. They look after the people of the jungle as intervene to keep the peace and guide those who need it. They dress in robes or other suitable attire.

Amazon Mentor

  • The Mentors are there to help and guide you. You can contact them using one of the Mentor contact board at the Guarani camp, at Gallivant's clearing or the Classroom. Or you can use the 'Mentor' button in your Life HUD.

Healer Mentor

  • The Healer Mentors are those tasked with the training and guidance of Shamans and Healers in the Jungle.


  • The Amazon Monks are those that send the Seekers to the people of the Amazon, and oversee the Jungle.
  • Certain Monks will also be naked with a slingshot, and might, perhaps, reward you..
