OOC Disputes And Arguments

How to deal with disagreements in your Role-Play

Occasionally you might have an OOC dispute with another player or players. 

To avoid escalation and find solutions to most arguments, we make some suggestions as to how to deal with these.

Above all, when dealing with an OOC conflict, try very hard to stay calm and speak to others as you would like to be spoken to yourself. Very often in an angry OOC situation, communication is important. Listen to the other players concerns, consider what they say, and then explain your part in it. Sometimes you won't agree, in those cases, agree to differ and walk away.

Finally, remember, people may well be rude, insulting or even abusive with their Role-Play. Before you take their words personally, ask yourself, were the players insults in Local? If so, it is probably RP, so, it's actually not aimed at you behind the keyboard, but your RP character in the Jungle. So, you should reply to it IC (In Character), with Role-Play. You can react however you want, angry, rudely, walking off, fighting etc, but however you decide to react, keep it IC and in Local.

Take a breath and count to ten!

  • Don't assume the other player/s are cheating or playing unfairly.
  • Avoid knee-jerk reactions to things that you see as cheating or rudeness. Consider that it might be a mistake, or even Second Life messing around. SL problems account for a lot of what players mistake for cheating. Lag will make people appear to move, faster or slower, can make three hits look like one larger HP hit. Region borders can also factor into these things. Remember, we are playing in a less than ideal medium for fast moving fighting and such, SL often messes up!

Remember, most of us don't like to 'loose' a fight, be understanding of those who get upset. 

  • Most of us would prefer to win a fight or argument, but that doesn't always happen. It may be a game, but a good fight or chase will often get your adrenaline pumping (that could very well be like you like it so much!), when the fight ends, that adrenaline is still in everyone's system, it can make them, and you, a little tetchy. So remember what it's like to lose a battle, and be understanding of a player that might get a bit OOC angry. Speak to them calmly in IM, and try and calm things down.


  • We All Fuck Up!
  • Everyone makes mistakes, yes, more than likely, even you! So, allow people their mistakes, accept apologies graciously, forgive willingly. 
  • Don't assume they are cheating or lying to you. 
  • Remember what it feels like to mess up, try and be understanding and give them a chance to put it right!

Talk to the other player/s calmly in OOC and try and work out things like adults.

  • Always speak to others as you would like them to speak to you. If a player is being insulting to you OOC, don't lower yourself to their level, try and speak to them pleasantly, listen to their concerns, and then try and work it out like adults.
  • If the other player continues their insulting or abusive behaviour, simply walk away and use the 'Mentor' button on your HUD to request help, and let one of our Admins deal with it.

Never insult, or abuse other players in OOC.

  • IC, you are free to RP insults or abuse (within TOS and the other player's HUD setting (PvP/Non-PvP)), and limits. However, we will not tolerate players abusing others OOC in an IM or local.

Don't Let things get out of control OOC, WALK AWAY!

  • If an OOC situation gets out of control and people are just being rude or abusive OOC, walk away and use your 'Mentor' button, and an Admin will deal. 
  • Try your best, without any swearing, insults or abusive comments, to understand the other person's problems, try to explain your side of things and work things out between you. If that isn't happening, walk away.
