Player Created Amazon Hunts, Games & Quests

It is really great to see our players wanting to develop their own challenges for others to explore and enjoy. 

We thought it might help you, and also, save you having to change things later, if we gave you some guidelines for your ideas.

In general, hunts, games and quests need to follow our Building Guidelines and RP rules and etiquette, so it really is a very good idea for you to check out this website and make yourself aware of what these are, before you start building.

Some general rules and requirements for you:

  • All builds must be 100% mesh.
  • Builds must be in theme to their location and the Amazon River theme.
  • Builds should not block access to camps, paths, quests, food or resources. Please remember, quests and such are voluntary, don't 'trap' players and force them to take part, some may well not be interested.
  • Don’t use ‘magic’ in your builds. Everything should be possible in real-life and not fantasy or unrealistic. If you aren’t sure if something is okay, just use your Mentor Button and an admin will happily take a look and give you ideas if necessary.
  • You should avoid spamming local with messages, try and make your messages to the individual players instead of in local for everyone to hear. 
    • For those familiar with scripting, avoid using llSay or llWhisper, try and use llInstantMessage or llRegionSayTo whenever possible.
  • Please do not use the ‘Shout’ function (llShout), or request that your participants use their viewers 'Shout' function.
  • Stick to correct Role-Play etiquette with your messages. OOC should be sent in ((double brackets)). Keep your messages as IC as possible, it really helps with player's immersion in your build.
    • For example, instead of saying “((Touch the totem pole to get a message))” which is OOC, try using something like:  
      • “/me You see a bright coloured totem in the camp, perhaps you should investigate?”.
  • Do not use text-speak or emoji's in your messages. 
  • Avoid use of things like RLV. Many players simply don’t like it, things can be done without it. Most things can be done without taking control of the person’s avatar, remember we are a Role-Play Sim first and foremost. Instead of taking control of an avatar, use a good emote:
    • For example, instead of an animation to make a person sink in quicksand, try this:  
      • “/me You feel the ground beneath your feet liquify, you start to sink into the quicksand, as you move, you sink to your knees unable to free yourself!”.
  •  Avoid use of signage which includes OOC, signs should all be IC. Instructions are best given IC and via chat direct to that particular person, when things are touched or a person is near. If you can, try and find IC ways to give instructions, if you must use OOC, please use double brackets.
  • Before you make your builds public, please use the Mentor button on your HUD, to notify Admins. We do need to check things out before you launch them. All members of our team should also be aware of new things in the jungle, just in case a player contacts us for help or such.

Some hints to help you along the way:

  • In general, give hints and clues to people. Many have a tendency to give up if they feel it is too hard. Ask a couple of people to try it, without you giving them ANY hints at all. See if they can manage it. 
    • Remember, you designed it, you set it up, you already know the solutions. For you, it will always seem easier than others will find it, your hints and clues just may be too hard for others.
  • Test, test and retest your builds before you launch.
  • Use your Role-Play with other tribes and factions to ‘spread rumours’ of your quest, getting the build known in the beginning is always the hardest.
  • Amazon Admins are always eager to help you, and will happily help you find ways to publicise your new build, so please ask if you would like some ideas and support to do that.
