Home Stone

Tribes and Factions have now the option to set up a Home Stone. It is distributed in the Amazon Resource Pack that is available to Supporters, as a Home Stone requires permanent rezz rights of course. 

  • You can get a copy of the resource pack at any time by clicking on your supporter board and requesting the Notecard. This contains the pack. 

Here is how it works: 

  • You are the Chieftess/Chief/Leader/Head of your group. This task should really be done by the leader.
  • Activate your group tag, of your tribe or faction, for Example "Sunshine Tribe" or "Moonlight Mercs" or whichever your group is.
  • Pick a spot in plain sight, in the open, in your camp. The Home Stone has to be rezzed in plain sight, not behind a door or in a house or in a cave. It has to be 
    • In the open and easily accessible. 
    • On ground level and not in a tree or the like
    • Note: Tanana and similar areas that may arise in the future count as "ground level" too, although technically they are a skybox, but I am sure you know what I mean
    • Simple put: think of the Home Stone as a marker that you present proudly and are not hiding away
    • This is the main rule here! Do not try to tip toe any lines and stretch it. Administration will simply return the Home Stone if the location is deemed unfit.
  • Rezz the Home Stone. It will register to the group where you had your tag activated too.
  • Each tribe or faction can rezz exactly one Home Stone. If you try to rezz more, previously rezzed ones will delete themselves. If other group members try to rezz additional Home Stones, they will be deleted.
  • If you forgot to activate the right group, activate it now, then touch your Home Stone and select "Change Group".

Once your Home Stone is rezzed it will be the mark on the map of where your camp is. The previously used green cube (pre 2022) named "tribe" can be deleted, it is obsolete. 

But there is more!

For the members of the group:

  1. Each member should activate their group tag 
  2. Then they touch the Home Stone 1x - and it should acknowledge them as member. Their membership will from now on also show in their Amazon Life HUD under "Who am I".

 If non-members touch the Home Stone, nothing happens.

The Home Stone plays a key role in the new option which will be available shortly, the Mojo! More to come, stay tuned...

Questions and Answers:

Q: the Home Stone is set to "No Group" or a wrong group and i can not change it. 

A:     If the Home Stone does not recognize your group correctly, try these steps:

  1. Detach your Amazon Life HUD, wait for a new one, try "Change Group" on the stone menu 
  2. If the above fails, activate *any* random group from your list and try to "change group" the stone to that, then change back to the group you wanted and try once more.


Q: Can it be any group to be used?

A: Preferably the group that you created. Your group. Technically any group would work though.


Q: Do we have to keep our group tags now active at all times?

A: No. Only for the registration.


Q: Can I move the Home Stone once i rezzed it?

A: Yes. You can also take it into inventory and re-rezz it. Make sure you always rezz the same Home Stone. If you rezz a wrong copy, the system tries to take care of it. If that fails, hit on your Amazon Life HUD "Mentor" and report the issue.


Q: Can we change the looks

A: Yes, there is a menu for stone texture, for the two stripes (colour) and for adding a crest 


Q: will the 5 LI count against my LI budget?

A: No. They come extra on top with no charge for you.
