How To Make Your Own Amazon Weapon

This page describes how you can set up your own Amazon weapon, which works with the raycast system used in the Amazon River. It is important to understand these things beforehand:
  • Do not do this if you are not familiar with editing objects. This procedure requires you to understand how to rename and copy items, as well as how to access the inventory of an item and change it.
  • You can only modify items which have the proper permissions to do so. The weapon you wish to use has to be "yes copy" and "yes modify" for you. I highly recommend to use mesh weapons with no other scripts inside. And I strongly discourage the attempt to "enhance" already scripted weapons with this set. It will likely not work.
  • The weapons that you create with this manual will only work within the Amazon River Regions in Second Life. Outside these regions the weapons are just props without any effect, much like an unscripted weapon
  • I do not offer any support on this. You are on your own. If it does not work: start over. If it still does not work: try again. Do not IM us or use the 'Mentor' button for assistance on that.
  • Follow this manual step by step. Do not skip steps, do not take shortcuts. It will fail.
  • You can collect a copy of our 'Amazon Weapon Selfmaker Kit' in the Guarani Camp at Deep Drop.

Preparation Step 1:

  • This is an area set up especially for your weapon assembly. It is a parcel that has scripts disabled. You can not assemble the weapons on land with running scripts. You must do it exactly there!

Preparation Step 2:

  • Unpack the kit,  "Amazon weapon selfmaker kit". Unpack it only in the sandbox. Not some place else!
  • You will find then four scripts and nine animations in a folder:
  • The permissions will show in your inventory as "no transfer" and on the scripts also as "no modify". The scripts are labelled "ranged" or "melee" and so you get already the idea that you define your weapon by using the correct set of scripts.

Step 1: Set up the weapon as "drawn"

The scripts that we are going to use are preset this way: the drawn ranged weapon has to attach to the left hand. The drawn melee weapon has to attach to the right hand.
We are now choosing the animation that we want to use. Then we attach the weapon and adjust it properly.
  1. Stop your animation override (AO)
  2. Locate your weapon in your inventory and attach it. It is important that you attach it to the correct hand. Ranged weapon=left hand - Melee weapon = right hand
  3. Locate in your inventory the folder "Amazon weapon selfmaker kit" (see first picture)
  4. Right-click an animation and chose "Play inworld". your result should look like this:
    Weapon attached to left hand, position not adjusted yet
  5. Now right-click the attached weapon and select "Edit". Then adjust the position of the weapon so that it fits nicely into the pose.
    Adjusting position on the worn weapon with the Edit-window
  6. After you have adjusted the weapon to your likes keep in mind which animation you picked. Now detach your weapon.
  7. Rezz the weapon to ground - and note: by that you created already a copy. Your inventory still has the weapon, but on the ground is also a copy of that weapon - we focus now on that copy.
    Weapon dragged from inventory to floor (1) and then renamed (2)
  8. Rename the weapon by adding the word "Drawn" to it. This is for you to keep the several copies apart.
    • Voluntary step: if you want, you can enter in the field "Description" the weapon type. 
    • Valid types for ranged weapons are "bow" or "gun" or "colt". 
    • Valid types for melee weapons are "dagger", "sword", "knife", "axe", "claw". 
    • Depending on what you enter here the command will then later be for example "/1 draw gun" or "/1 sheath knife" 
    • If you do not specify a weapon type in the description then the standard setting applies, which will be "bow" for ranged and "dagger" for melee
  9. Switch now to the tab "content" of the weapon in the edit-window
    Weapon with filled inventory - one animation, one script
  10. Copy from your inventory two items into the content of the weapon: the "drawn" script (melee or ranged, depending on the type of weapon) and the animation that you picked earlier. If done right, your weapon should now have exactly two items in the inventory: one animation, one script.
    • Voluntary step: you can also add a sound-file here if you want a custom noise on triggering (shooting/stabbing) with the weapon. 
    • If you have a sound-file, drag and drop it into the content of the weapon now. 
    • If you don't have a sound-file, a generic sound will be used.
  11. "Take" your weapon, so you have it back in the inventory
    The Weapon Folder with the original unscripted weapon and now the modified "Drawn" weapon

Step 2: Set up the weapon as "sheathed"

We will now start with the untouched, original weapon again.
  1. Rezz the original weapon to the ground.
  2. Edit the weapon and rename it, by adding the word "sheathed" to the name. This is again for you to keep the several copies apart.
    • Voluntary step: if you want, you can enter in the field "Description" the weapon type. 
    • Valid types for ranged weapons are "bow" or "gun" or "colt". 
    • Valid types for melee weapons are "dagger", "sword", "knife", "axe", "claw". 
    • Depending on what you enter here the command will then later be for example "/1 draw gun" or "/1 sheath knife" 
    • If you do not specify a weapon type in the description then the standard setting applies, which will be "bow" for ranged and "dagger" for melee
    Weapon dragged from inventory to the ground and then renamed to "Sheathed"
  3. Switch to the content tab of the rezzed weapon
  4. Drag the "Drawn" weapon from your inventory into the content of the sheathed weapon
  5. Drag the weapon script "Sheathed" (melee or drawn, depending on the weapon type) into the content tab.
    Sheathed weapon with two inventory items - the drawn weapon and the sheathed script
  6. "Take" the weapon. Your weapon folder should now have three weapons: the unscripted original. The drawn version and the sheathed version. 
  7. Attach the sheathed weapon where you want, for example "right hip" or "spine" - where you think it looks best
  8. Adjust it
    Sheathed weapon worn and adjusted
  9. Leave the sandbox, simply walk out of it.
  10. If your Amazon Life HUD is attached, then test now:
    • Go into mouselook, select your weapon type (1=ranged, 2= melee) and wait a few seconds. You should then see the crosshair indicating the correct damage level, and as soon as you leave mouselook you should see yourself with the drawn weapon attached. 
    • Go to mouselook, select "0" for peaceful and then check that the drawn weapon is detached, and the sheathed weapon is visible again.
  11. Enjoy!
