Amazon Factions Meeting - (Applies to All Combat Players)
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Amazon Factions Meeting - (Applies to Call Combat Players) 08/01/19
Posting as Eve
[18:58:58] Melissa: Thank you all for coming. Please abide by the rules behind us, if you have questions there is a cube here just click on it, but we will have a question portion at the end and don't want to keep you longer than we need due to the time zones
[18:59:58] Melissa: So we have been noticing several issues that we want to address tonight that we keep seeing happening during fights, caps, and rp'ing captives. There have been multiple reportings, which reporting is fine, but should be the last resort. Maybe if we can address those issues here, then we can move forward and take care of them now so we aren't dealing with them over and over again. There are new factions appearing and new people coming in and we would like these habits broken and not passed onto them and to not keep seeing the same things reported time and time again. Everyone makes mistakes, but most can be avoidable.
[19:01:19] Kylie Storm : caughs Burn the mouthpiece
[19:01:57] Melissa: The first issue is the use of gestures and the use of smiley faces during rp. I am going to give you some examples from note cards that have been submitted. Names have been removed, but faction names have replaced them. This has been done so everyone can see it is happening all around and not just in one group.
[19:03:16] Melissa: MERCS: HAHAHAHAHA.....HEHEHE!
Other common smileys that make leaders cringe, brackets or not
Hi ♥
[19:04:27] Melissa: Gestures (using the same posted things over and over to replace having to type out something in rp):
ROUGHNECKS: I tie the woman's feet and hands
ROUGHNECKS: and take away all the weapons
ROUGHNECKS: I'm looking for hidden weapons
ROUGHNECKS: I take away all
RENEGADES: approaches the downed person and removes all weapons and comms devices, inspecting them for any other hidden weapons...
RENEGADES: takes the weapons and comms, emptying out any ammo and throws them out of sight as far as he can.
BANDITS: gets over the downed and carefully and quickly inspects for all the stuffs or weapons could be
BANDITS: ties wrists and ankles very tightly, rollyng arround a strong rope. Afther that grabs it and takes as prisioner
Please stop doing this in rp and in local chat.
[19:06:05] Melissa: When you are rp'ing with someone give them time to reply back, don't just keep on posting and posting, put everything into one post and then wait for a reply.
BANDIT: "not you, the other one"
BANDIT: "the ugly one"
ROUGHNECK: /me looks to (name removed) "well thats no good, would you like a beer? sometimes that helps"
ROUGHNECK: /me shrugs "oh well then no beer i take it"
ROUGHNECK: /me looks to (name removed) "you want one?"
[19:07:35] Melissa: Harold?
[19:07:50] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: I'm not happy that you called us here saying its a surprise and now you are scolding us
[19:08:00] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: I thought it was like a party
[19:08:08] Melissa: moving on
[19:08:18] Melissa: since that is not a question
[19:08:30] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: its not just stating my opinion
[19:09:05] Melissa: Well Harold we are addressing all the issues that keep getting reported, so there are issues
[19:09:16] Melissa: sorry you don't think they are important
[19:09:29] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: I think they are but you didnt tell us
[19:09:39] Eve Fintan: Moving forward.
[19:09:52] Melissa: Here is a big issue that is being reported, people using OOC issues and using them IC. If you haven't learned about it ICly then you cannot use it in rp. If someone IM's you and pisses you off in your IM's you cannot use that to attack someone ICly, since they didn't insult your character. You cannot threaten someone in IM's and then bring it into the RP. For instance:
Bandit: I will hunt so and so down and make their life fucking miserable because you are an asshole
[19:10:46] Melissa: This will not be tolerated, keep it IC at all times. Also, do not get in someone's IM's and be a dick, if you can't be an adult about it then walk away. If you can't separate IC and OOC, then stay away from each other, don't fight each other, don't rp each other, don't shoot or dart someone and say it is an accident when both parties know it isn't. Also, don't be a dickhead and threaten to run someone out of the amazon using their RL information against them because you don't want them here, that is shitty and petty and will not be tolerated at all. We recently had a player take a break from Amazon due to such. This type of thing will not be tolerated. Those who do it, know who they are. Discontinue the IC conflict with people you have such deep OOC issues with or face consequences.
Nobody should be mixing OOC arguments into the roleplay either:
BANDIT: "if these are best fighters in Amazon ... jesus we need to bring in GOR so we we can have real fun"
[19:10:46] Melissa: Gor is not something that exists in our IC world in Amazon. This statement is a mix of ooc and IC and doesn't belong in local chat, even if its in the form of an emote.
[19:12:26] Melissa: Any actual questions before we move on?
[19:13:22] Melissa: Chad
[19:14:50] ĆĦΔĐ: Thanks for holding this meeting, I just wanted to say that in the semi-recent past I've had a couple of RPs go into OOC all because the person didn't understand or didnt want to understand what I was saying and trying to get the RP back on track. For example pointing out powergaming. How would you do this? I am made to just be at the will of this person os can I expect to have a reaction when an action is taken on me?
[19:15:18] Melissa: Eve will be going over that next... great question.
[19:15:24] ĆĦΔĐ: ok
[19:15:26] Melissa: Ash?
[19:15:29] ღ Ash ღ: i think i am misunderstanding above about taking weapons and coms.... what is the issue there?
[19:15:46] Melissa: The issue is using pre-made gestures
[19:16:32] Melissa: Mantis?
[19:17:06] Mantis Battle: Hello there, im a fairly new player here in Amazon but i do have some thoughts about maybe helping out in that Regard. Even tho those Reports will probably keep going, Wouldnt it be best to bring those people into these RP Classes that they can learn from their mistakes? I mean you got basically the Names of those people and most of those around are not fluent in English. So it might be a probably good idea to offer them Help, have a Place they can turn to next to the Faction or those people around them.
[19:18:05] Melissa: Good question, we do hold rp classes but it is up to the individuals if they attend or not. By addressing them all here we are hoping to cut down on them now and then go from here if it still continues
[19:18:29] Melissa: Harold?
[19:18:33] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: I have an another opinion. All this is good but there is no incentive to do this. How about we have explorer , local and expert. Or a higher role which gets some extra privileges so people have an incentive to move up. Either that or make it harder to become a local. It could be any incentive, but incentivize it is the idea.
[19:19:23] Melissa: We are discussions with things, you can submit that to the mp and it can be discussed
[19:19:32] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: cant you relay it
[19:19:38] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: i thought thats why were here
[19:19:54] Eve Fintan: This will all be logged and reviewed. :)
[19:19:59] Melissa: Well I can, but as you all now it carries heavier weight when it comes from one of you too.
[19:20:02] Melissa: Syd?
[19:20:02] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: perfect, thank you
[19:20:09] Syd Straaf: Are there actually people who don't use pre-made gestures for searching and binding caps? I can't think of anybody I haven't seen do that often if not always. If everyone finds the need to do it maybe the system needs to be looked at rather than the use of gestures. Also, I really hope leadership isn't planning on enforcing para rping, because there are a whole lot of people here who do not like that style of rp and just won't do it.
[19:21:09] Melissa: We aren't asking for para and understand a lot do not like it, but there are many who do not rp at all... they just talk, a simple one or two sentences is fine.
[19:21:13] Kylie Storm : applause syd
[19:22:06] Eve Fintan: Anything from one line to para is acceptable. Gestures have been brought up several meetings as "not RP" and highly discouraged. Many use it. Some don't. We're reminding you that when we see it in reports we frown on it.
[19:22:48] Melissa: Okay after these next 4 questions we are going to move on
[19:22:50] Eve Fintan: Especially when someone is using them to try to bind and drag 8 people ;)
[19:22:54] Melissa: Syr?
[19:23:00] Syrissa Broono: This question also about Ashs .. some people don't type fast.. by the time we go over with our captives of taking off their weapons and binding with any coherent way of rp'ing it will get the captive downed. We can be attacked for typing out at 45 wpm or less for slower typists and down. Why not use the gestures keys for that? I think we need another rp class instructor as well.
[19:23:22] Syrissa Broono: captor*
[19:23:35] Melissa: Well Hope is also leading rp classes now and we can have others do it too.
[19:24:18] Melissa: After Hope we are moving on, you can save your question for the next round
[19:24:26] Syrissa Broono: impromptu classes are not for me. So you think making it easier for us to type out three sentences are not rp?
[19:25:32] Eve Fintan: Again..gestures are not considered RP.
[19:25:34] Eve Fintan: Zeta
[19:25:49] Zeta: Not a question, a statement. I never use gestures in RP, and if anyone uses a search gesture on me - not naming my weapons - then I'll tell them OOC I retain all my weapons until they do it right. I'll also tell them if I have anything 'hidden' for them to find.
[19:26:19] Eve Fintan: Flame
[19:26:22] Lil Flame: OK. I haven't been here very long and I dont use gestures when I down someone and I will say using a gesture is kind of a benefit cause by the time you type your rp binding and weapon and com removal someone is gonna shoot you in the ass. So why cant you just have those who use gestures revise to fit aparently your satisfactions and or the complainers?
[19:26:49] Eve Fintan: We don't encourage the use of gestures in RP at all.
[19:26:51] Eve Fintan: Hope
[19:27:09] Hope: When I was in a faction, most used hot keys. This was to get everything out fast so the captive is bound, gaged, can't walk and have no weapons or way to contact with coms. It all comes through and giuves the captive no time to respond.... also, why do you bind feet? Everyone's nest line is walks them to their base. You have long enough to type.
[19:28:46] Eve Fintan: Agreed. A quick line can be typed. Its not quite as easy, especially if you are trying to bind more than you can realistically carry. Still, the fact remains when we see reports with gestures in it and people arguing about what is and isn't RP those trying to win at all costs and using gestures to do so don't end up in a good light.
[19:29:11] Melissa: Especially when they are super generic
[19:30:41] Melissa: One gesture doesn't not cover all especially when you are pushing 3 gestures in a row it doesn't give the person a chance to respond
[19:31:30] Melissa: Okay we are moving on... your questions will be answered at the end of the next section.
[19:32:33] Eve Fintan: OOC in Local/ OOC in Brackets:
Just don't do it! There are so many ways to avoid using local chat for OOC discussions. I get it. Some of us are in Amazon for long periods of time, cooking, decorating, chatting. While we may always be prepared for RP, as expected when on the ground level of Amazon, we may not always be /in/ RP. That is what group chat, IM, and conferences are for. When you are discussing things OOC as a group or just hanging out and taking a break from RP, don't start to litter local chat with ooc talk.
[19:33:11] Eve Fintan: Things like:
Hey guys. I just rezzed in, what's going on today?
Ugh lag...
I just got a new dance hud for 200 Lindens.
We need to script this food supply barrel so it gives to whoever has a group tag.
All of this is ooc and doesn't belong in local chat. In fact, taking such talk to your group chat may even draw some of your inactive faction members back to Amazon to see what's going on.
There is a common misconception that once we use ((brackets)) its okay to use OOC in local chat. This is to be kept to an absolute minimum. A quick ((AFK)) in local chat is understandable. Everyone responding is not needed:
((thank you))
It just makes a mess of the roleplay. The goal in ALL of our roleplay, even that involving combat, and even when idling with friends is: KEEP OOC OUT OF LOCAL CHAT.
[19:34:25] Eve Fintan: Examples of what not to do:
[17:45] BANDIT: (( My limit is 15 mins and it's been 40 ))
[17:45] HEATHEN: (my limit is 15 also)
[17:45] BANDIT: (( and I just checked with admin and you cannot sit on that ladder ))
[17:45] BANDIT: 15 mins more for me then I TP out
IM the captor:
Hello, I see you're still busy fighting others or overwhelmed with too many captives. As my limits in my profile state 15 minutes with no RP, I will remove myself from this now. Don't worry about me rejoining the fight.
[19:35:16] Eve Fintan: If we decide to stay chained to a person or in their cage arguing with them about our limits OOCly in local chat, and then we go report them to Leaders, it doesn't make us look much better than the person we report.
NOTE: 1 Roughneck dragging 8 Bandits around (completely unrealistic) and posting a gyazo in group chat, with shaming and drama is a dickhead move and it was addressed along with the cheating, but that doesn't license us to go ooc in local.
Another thing not to do:
[16:38] BANDIT: (( XXXX you are being a dick head.... when XXXX capped me, after i was playing with XXXX NOT YOU, XXXX was there on the SAME sim as i was ))
Why not open an IM or conference and politely sort this out? If they can't do that, they should both agree to end the RP and find someone they can play with without getting emotional. If anyone gets this upset over pixel violence, maybe they should be a green spirit.
[19:36:54] Eve Fintan: And now to address the question about powergaming.
[19:37:09] Eve Fintan: More things not to do:
16:50] ROUGHNECK: (don't drag me. I am sitting. you have to rp how you make me stand up)
[17:23] BANDIT: (( last time, wear the ballgag i fastened on your head please ))
[17:24] RENEGADE: (( you didn't give me the opportunity to negate it ))
[17:25] RENEGADE: (( I didnt get the chance to respond, its powergaming ))
A proper response would have been something like:
RENEGADE jerks his head around doing his best to avoid the ball gag, but to no avail, his words muffled as his mouth was promptly plugged. He glared heatedly at the bandit.
[19:37:48] Eve Fintan: Please don't be a spoil sport. When you have been downed and bound, consider your body under the other player's control. Let's not be high maintenance captives, OOC nitpicking and purposefully being difficult. Combat RP is already chaotic and fast paced, adding to it is poor sportsmanship.
Of course you can emote fighting back, but ultimately go with the flow. You're defeated. Don't be quick to accuse others of cheating, look for loopholes, or attack people oocly for small mistakes. You win some and you lose some.
[19:39:25] Eve Fintan: Reporting Others:
If you've tried to sort things out directly with another player with no luck and you feel you must report them, use the Mouthpiece and be prepared to share a log. Logs will be taken from both sides and Amazon Leaders as a team will review them objectively. If you report something, but we find you at fault too, both sides will be held accountable for all that we uncover in the investigation. This means that if those in the logs are not roleplaying at the standard that an explorer needs to meet to pass a seeker, their standing as a local is in question.
[19:40:59] Eve Fintan: Keep in mind that whether you are the one being reported or the one doing the reporting, when there is a pattern that your name is always in reports, it does not put you in a good light. As mentioned earlier by Mellie, reporting others should be your last means of trying to resolve an issue. If you cannot keep your RL feelings out of the roleplay or routinely pursue combat and conflict RP with people you can't even manage to hold a polite OOC discussion with, eventually people start to see you as the problem.
[19:42:19] Eve Fintan: Lately, we see reports of 'combat roleplay scenes' riddled with OOC arguing in brackets. The brackets don't help anything. It tells us these players are having an OOC fight and using their combat meters as extensions of it. That's not what the combat feature in our spirit is for and Amazon Leaders are not tools to attack OOC enemies with either.
[19:42:58] Eve Fintan: Ali?
[19:43:01] Ali: I don't know if this is valuable or not but why can't we just all agree that if we are downed our weapons are removed and not worry about it anymore. instead of having to type "removes weapons" all the time. just an idea. if you are shot by bullets or arrows you wouldn't have the energy to use weapons anyway
[19:43] Eve Fintan (viviana.ruby): Hmm...thats something to think on. :) Will pass that on thank you Ali.
[19:43:50] Eve Fintan: Harold?
[19:44:00] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: If the majority of the fighters don't care about using gestures just for the bind and then rp normally, is leadership going to have an issue with that? I don't care if people use gestures for that and none of my caps ever do either as long as we rp well after. I don't want to micromanage their rp. Let em use a gesture or two as long as its not annoying and a million of them. If they are clearly trolling I'll call a guard. But its never happened. Sometimes the problem is the person complaining and not who is being complained about. Who cares so much about one rp being a gesture if the rest is wonderful? You don't even want those people here. The ones who don't care about such petty stuff are the ones you want here. You screw up the momentum in combat if you stop and write a paragraph. Yall don't fight so yall couldn't understand. Why don't we vote?
[19:45:06] Melissa: I get attacked and fight so don't use that argument
[2019/08/01 19:45] Eve Fintan (viviana.ruby): This is a good question. When people come to us complaining about each other, that's when BOTH sides are under scrutiny. If you are all having a good time and having fun, I doubt Leaders will be chasing you down saying hey don't do it that way do it this way. When you begin report wars or IMing leaders and nagging them and tattling...then it allllll comes into question
[19:45:43] Eve Fintan: Kylie?
[19:45:47] Kylie Storm : I think one way to avoid gestures in capture rp is to simply consider yourself bind and no weapons upon capture then we can end all the gesture. Fact is we are in groups that fight and we dont have time to sit and name each weapon to be removed. To address Eve and the comment about how we talk ooc to our factions and friends. we are not puppets and yes its a RP sim but we are still human and have friends here. I think that is just too much control over the residents here and I don't like your suggestion one bit.
[19:46:24] Eve Fintan: Well this is actually not my suggestion this is an Amazon standard that you are being reminded of. OOC doesn't belong in local chat.
[19:46:24] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: sorry out of turn but im down to do down is cap
[19:46:27] Eve Fintan: Henry
[19:46:36] Henry Vyceratops: .i never used gestures and do now sometimes.. sadly due to the fact that a lot of fighters are super sore losers and will try to find any hole they can to have hidden this, that, and that too... if you do not type a epos like war and peace , they find some stupid excuses . I think the whole gesturebating after downing is solely because some insist on being a dickhead . my 2 cents on that
[19:47:07] Syrissa Broono applaudes Kylie
[19:47:35] Melissa: To answer Kylie, Eve also gave suggestions on what to do to keep OOC out of local... there are group chats and conferences.
[19:48:24] Eve Fintan: :)
[19:48:26] Eve Fintan: Olenka
[19:48:44] Olenka: There is no doubt ... it is already clear. anyway i think the excessive use of gestures is boring and unimaginative.
[19:49:27] Eve Fintan: Thank you :) Wiz?
[19:50:09] Wiz Elswit: I was just going to ask how someone could intereact with being bound when they are downed and unable to function, but I think it got covered
[19:50:22] Eve Fintan: ok :) Zeta?
[19:50:33] Zeta: Just checking, by logs, you mean local chat logs only, right? Because IM or group chat log sharing gets into TOS territory. - And there's *always* time to emote a capture. RL captures aren't instantaneous. Unlike RLV...
[19:51:40] Eve Fintan: Yes, Zeta. Local chat logs. And when we get them from both sides it tells us lots. Clearly if you have spoken to a person in IM and it didn't work out...we will have a bit of investigating outside of the logs...but yes we want a log provided from local for why you were complaining in any case that there was an interaction in local chat.
[19:52:42] ĆĦΔĐ: I just wanted to touch on the gestures as well because this was a point in one of the recent OOC meetings and I thought it was covered thoroughly from both sides. In a one on one encounter there isnt much need for them but in a group v group battle there is when you can be hit while standing over someone in the midst of their allies also fighting. I think thats where the gesture being used in this facet evolved from, as soon as the fighting is over all can RP
[19:53:21] Eve Fintan nods. Group on group battles can be messy and that is why we focus on separating ic and ooc.
[19:55:11] Eve Fintan: When everyone is just having fun and not freaking out over small mistakes, much less nitpicking and drama happens "Oh you didn't take my knife" "oh my feet are still tied." All this comes from ooc emotions getting mixed into the IC fights.
[19:55:13] Eve Fintan: Syd
[19:55:24] Syd Straaf: Just to add my support to what was said earlier, I've had this in my profile for a long time: If you forget to rp searching me, taking my stuff, or tying me up I will still most likely play as if you did it. I think it's petty to take advantage of a minor oversight like that. Rp is still preferred, but don't stress over it.
[19:55:41] Melissa: I noticed that one day Syd and love it.
[19:56:17] Eve Fintan smiles. Yes, go with the flow once downed. Really, it saves so much drama and this debate about gestures vs typing up emotes.
[19:56:25] Eve Fintan: Kylie
[19:56:29] Kylie Storm : When you are downed and we touch the leash, the hud tells you that you can not walk and you are captured. maybe that should be enough. I agree with Syd, the rp id the important thing.
[19:56] Eve Fintan (viviana.ruby) nods, "Good point"
[19:57] Eve Fintan (viviana.ruby): Zeta
[19:57:05] Zeta: I find myself slightly surprised to be agreeing with Chad... but then I wonder, why would anyone be trying to cap in the middle of a battle? if you're *not* in combat, though, RPing with your captives, surely a shot would be considered interfering with RP?
[19:57:47] Eve Fintan: We are CARP. We did not ban rescues. People can join battles. It was voted on.
[19:58:10] Eve Fintan: Mantis?
[19:58:15] ĆĦΔĐ: Exactly. and rescues sometimes keep coming and coming and coming. To the point where there are too many people to RP with.
[19:59:06] Melissa: well you guys voted and so the rescues were let back in
[19:59:06] Mantis Battle: As someone that has been moderating lots of mass battles and faction wars in different sims and communities i have to say this discussion about Hack n Slay = Roleplay is getting a bit out of hand. Some of us enjoy Roleplay when fighting is involved, some of us dont enjoy it. The big issue here is dont force your viewpoint on others.Hell i am a Para Rper. I write Novels. I still sit down and enjoy a good fight now and then. But i always wrote the emotes about binding and capturing without gestures. We had a simple rule, name the weapon or the weapon type. and it will be taken. Weapons that are hidden need to be addressed beforehand.. so *IF you have the time for that, IM the Captive, ask them *Politely to name their hidden weapons IF you are searching for them. Emoting it. We had a rule in our community about a 3 sentence Capture Limit. Some used gesture, some didnt. As long it is all Fun for everyone it is okay to use gestures, but you have to specify the Weapons otherwise these specific weapons are still there.
[20:00:41] Eve Fintan: Yes, find compatible roleplay partners.
[20:00:55] Eve Fintan: To wrap up, let me just say, we don't like demoting, we prefer you work things out like adults. So please heed our advice tonight and work on improving if any of this has applied to you, whether you are an experienced Amazon player or new to the jungle.
[20:01:13] Eve Fintan: A lot less drama would happen if people would just keep calm, stay IC and keep the ooc out of local chat. Remember to keep the IC and OOC separate in your head and also in where you are typing. After a heated battle or conflict scene, its good practice to IM the other player(s) "Thank you for the RP! See you next time :)" This serves as a reminder that our IC enemies are our OOC friends.
[20:01:49] Eve Fintan: If you have OOC beef with someone, consider giving them a clean slate. Make amends privately and try to move forward. If that doesn't work, avoid them :)
[20:01:58] Eve Fintan: Will answer Zoey and then Harold then done.
[20:02:02] Zoey: .
[20:02:32] Eve Fintan: Harold
[2019/08/01 20:02] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ (harold134): Is there going to be some turnover in leaders? I see many have left. We got more seekers lately but what about others?
Why don't we go back to the old way. Make the faction leaders the leaders... laughs. Me. If there is conflict, you can hold the faction leaders responsible for sorting out their people. People who know them and they trust, instead of a guard they never spoke to in their life.
It will be better to listen to the ideas of the faction leaders too, rather than the hand picked leaders, many of whom get into the role and then disappear and never actually roleplay in the jungle. Keep them for their roles but not for their ideas. The best ideas will come from the people and the faction leaders or rep can relay these ideas. They have to listen to their people or they wont have a group. If you get the ideas from the people via faction leaders, the active people will get what they want and they will bring more, I gurantee you.
[20:03:28] Syd Straaf: some of the factions don't have leaders
[20:03:39] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: Syd you are leader of the raiders
[20:03:42] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ laughs
[20:03:47] Syd Straaf: no I'm not
[20:03:51] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: yeah yeah
[20:03:56] ĆĦΔĐ: come on Syd
[20:04:15] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: but you are good at conflict resolution so youd be a good candidate
[20:04:21] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: theyd want you too
[20:04:22] Melissa: Here is the thing Harold, some of these issues have been discussed with the leaders of the factions and nothing has changed.
[20:04:23] Syd Straaf: I'll not have a bunch of non-Raiders decide the leadership structure of the Raiders
[20:04:31] Kylie Storm : can i shoot harold no for arguing with syd?
[20:04:34] Kylie Storm : laughs
[20:04:39] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: im done
[20:04:43] Eve Fintan: We do still appreciate Faction Leaders or even just old school Amazon players offering their members guidance to keep them playing within guidelines. As far as if we are bringing on more leaders anyone interested can put in a request with Tantrica, faction leader or not.
[20[20:04:56] Kylie Storm : oh come on
[20:05:03] Kylie Storm : grins
[20:05:09] Goldeneyesblackheart: I must say, I am liking Harold today
[20:05:12] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: Can we make a group of faction leaders and give them some offical powers of conflict resolution?
[20:05:17] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: over*
[20:05:25] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: and ideas
[20:05:45] Zeta: So some leaders can do nothing while others enforce even the rules they don't like?
[20:05:59] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: It will all be under the current leaders and tan
[20:06:10] Syd Straaf: we could just act like adults and treat everyone with respect, then we wouldn't need more leaders with powers
[20:06:15] Kylie Storm whispers: Thank you all for the comments you made and lots to think on for sure, now can we burn down the Mouthpiece?
[20:06:17] Melissa: At one point you guys were doing that, and then quit
[20:06:27] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: We already have leaders with power, we always will
[20:06:36] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: But it will better if they are the people on the ground
[20:06:38] Melissa gives a slow clap to Syd "Amen"
[20:06:43] Eve Fintan: Agreed Syd! Thank you all for your attention and all the ideas. This log will be on the blog
[20:06:55] Kylie Storm : I for once agree with Harold
[20:07:05] Ĥȧɼoレđ ƑƦƟϻǟƝ: winks at Kylie
[20:07:18] Zeta: That's only because you want to soot him...
[20:07:31] Kylie Storm : was that enough to get our of your cell free?
[20:07:46] Melissa: Thank you guys for coming, we appreciate it
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