Mama Killa Theater returns this Sunday at noon!

By Bolero News Services

AMAZON -- The Amazon troupe that brought you Legend of Ollantay and Cusi in December returns to perform "The Taming of the Shrew."

A Shakespeare classic, the story follows the courtship of Petruchio and Katharina, the headstrong, obdurate shrew. Katharina is less than accommodating of the relationship and Petruchio tries to tame the recalcitrant woman. Will his psychological torments succeed and turning her into an obedient bride? And will a wager with Kahtarina's sister's husband over who has the more tamed woman prove successful?

The play begins Sunday, Feb. 9, at noon at the Mapnguari (Teleport #6). The action takes place on the brown paving. The grey paving and the balcony are for the audience.

Directed by June with a script written by Diana Fawcett, the play will feature Amazon actors Astro, Saverio, Zara, and Cento. The play will also be the debut performance of Gaul Gaussman. Music for the performance will be provided by Eve Sinclair. 
