Amazon authorities seek help apprehending fugitive

Tantrica Banana
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By Bolero News Services

AMAZON — Authorities are seeking help in locating a fugitive who was convicted of sexual assault in an FPN court.

Convicted rapist Tantrica Banana was sentenced to community service last week following a chaotic trial. Court documents allege Banana sexually assaulted a woman before a group of people who cheered it on. Since the conviction, multiple reports from witnesses claim Banana has declared war on the entire Amazon and refuses to comply with court orders.

“She shot me and told me to tell judge, jury and prosecuter she'll ass rape them all one by one with a walrus bone,” said Eve Heartsong, who testified at trial as a witness to the alleged assault.

Another person, who asked to remain anonymous, said she encountered Banana at the Love Temple Saturday. Banana told her that she is no longer a member of the seeker cult.

“The lazy ass monks who were not able to prevent ass-sucking Syd and cunt Eve to place their shit permission shit can kiss my ass! And i am not gone. I will not vanish. I will terrorize all of you!” the source claimed Banana told her.

Banana, seen here at a party last year.
File photo
Other sources claim Banana has been screaming similar nonsensical ravings during her random attacks.

The victim in the trial testified the interaction between her and Banana was actually rough but consensual sex. She denied any rape had occured and said she had been drunk and high on crack cocaine at the time.

It is policy at Bolero News Services not to identify victims in reports on sexual assault.

Lyric Wishbringer, a member of the seeker cult, testified at the trial the sexual act was a exhibtionist performance, which was enjoyed by others. Wishbringer also alleged that some of those claiming the act was not consensual were just jealous of the victim, including Heartsong.

Banana, seen here at a Cartel Game Night
File photo
However, other witnesses to the sex act, which involved a bone strap-on, claimed they had seen the victim sobbing and pleading. They also claimed the victim was stabbed in her buttocks and was being intimidated by the accused.

The jury apparently believed Banana was influencing the truthfulness of the victim’s testimony. They found Banana guilty on all charges and the victim guilty of perjury. FPN Judge Jojo Rhapsody Hayze sentenced Banana to community service, and the victim was ordered to enter a therapy program.

Banana is considered armed and dangerous. Anyone who isn’t weak and spots the fugitive should immediately risk their lives to apprehend her.
