Helen of the Xocó won the highest Olympic award

Gold medalist Helen stands with Kenza Hamer and Elfin Darkmist.
Also pictured are Olympic Organizer Whispering Wind, far left,
and Tapirape Chieftess Eva Sawa.
Photos by Persephone Bolero

By Bolero News Services
AMAZON —Helen of the Xocó took the gold in the Global Classify, the overall ranking in the first annual Amazon Olympics. Kenza Hamer of the Barrio took the silver, and Elfkin Darkmist of the Tapirape took the bronze.

Kenza Hamer in the Cage Match.
The Cage Match was held today, the final event in the Amazon Olympics. In that context, Kenza Hamer took the gold, and Emiko Yuriemoto took the silver. Clyde Hamer, also with the Barrio, took bronze.

Mic of the Barrio in the Cage Match.
For the past two weekends, athletes have competed in a series of games organized by Whispering Wind of the Tapirape and Namida Guilia of the Amazon Society.

The games included a Shipwreck Race, Crock Rodeo, Horse Racing, Bloody Hunt, and today's Cage Match. In all, over two dozen athletes competed in the events. Their rankings in individual games contributed points to the athletes' Global Classify Score.

Convicted rapist Tantrica Banana bleeds
after being wounded in the Cage Match.
Yesterday's event was the Horse Race. In that contest, Elfkin Darkmist of the Tapirape took first place in the Horse Race, followed by Abigail and Babygirl Alacayah, who took second and third respectively.

Awards ceremony for the Horse Race Saturday.
Photo by Namida Guilia.

In the Crock Rodeo, Gennie of the Xocó took the gold, Broono of the Tapirape took silver, and Emiko Yuriemoto brought home the bronze.

To date, the Amazon Olympics is the largest and most well attended gaming event in the Amazon. 
