Voices of the Jungle: How do you feel about nudity?

By Bolero News Services

The Amazon is as diverse in people as it is in wildlife. Some are born here but many more come from all over the world to call this rainforest home. As such, members of this community have a range of opinions and perspectives.

We here at Bolero News Services sent our own Cento Sogni deep into the jungle to talk to hostile natives, rugged rouges, and friendly settlers to find out how members of this community feel about the issues that impact them.

This week, we look at nudity. While many people eschew clothing, choosing instead to bare it all in front of God and everyone without a hint of shame, others display an appreciation of coverings and the fashion sense it affords.

Sogni braved the rainforest to seek out a range of perspectives on this important issue. 

Peanut Liu
People run around nude all the time thinking it makes them more native. Guys run around with their cocks out and girls with their boobs out, and I think they are all just trying to be ecchi. I’m not complaining. I do it sometimes as well, but I think there is a hidden meaning to why people really want to go nude. I wear clothes when I want to because I want to look good. Or some times just want something comfy to wear or something supportive. I give respect to the girls with the big boinker doinks running around with no support. End of the day, people should walk around in what they are comfortable in. I will not tell anyone to put something on unless its some guy walking around with his cock hanging out full erection, just screaming, “Want fuck! Want fuck now!” Then I’ll probably complain about them.

Well, to say the truth, I’m am divided about it. It makes sense to me that all of use should be naked. See this girl? It is so hot and humid in the Amazon that I want to grab her sweater and rip it apart. On the other hand, it is almost poetic to see a well dressed lady and then peel her off like one would do with a juicy banana, as one engaged in the affairs of the flesh.




Kaela Morane
Yes, we should be more aware of our bodies, enjoy them completely. We should be less prude and let others touch us and touch them, as well. There’s nothing wrong with showing off our bits. I’ve noticed that the more people wear clothes, the more judgemental they are toward those who are nude.





Ivy Rebekah Validin
To be honest , it doesn’t bother me to be if other people are naked. I choose to wear clothes out of respect for my husband, who is now my ex-husband. It is also the way way I was raised that might have a big factor in it.
