Full moon ritual celebrates fertility
Seeker Lexxie watches Supay worshipers have sex. Photos by Persephone Bolero |
Bolero News Services
AMAZON — Under a full moon, the people of the Amazon praised Mama Quilla, divine Goddess of the Moon.
"She shows us her full glowing splendor today. Pools reflect the slanting sun as the water is washed with the silver-gleaming light of Mama Quilla and the world shimmers under her," prayed Priestess Diana Fawcett.
Skillful hands work their magic. |
Following prayers from Fawcett and Khaing Zar, chieftess of the Xoco, devotees of the goddess stepped forward to give offerings including a full barrel of wine and a piece of pure gold.
Then worshipers of Supay, Pale Arrow and Dean Ravenhurst, had sex.
Oh, and lots of people got wasted on shrooms, including this reporter who is still tripping balls.
The goddess should be pleased.
Happy equinox, sexy people. Here's some photos.
Supay Priestess Pale Arrow |
Mellie's alluring stare |
Xocó fire dancers |
Xocó Chieftess Khaing Zar |
Temple of Mama Quilla Priestess Diana Fawcett |
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