Tapirape bless cocks for fertility

Shaman Whispering Wind blesses a penis
Photos by Persephone Bolero










Bolero News Services

AMAZON — It was quite a show today in the Rio Solimoes neighborhood as the Tapirape used a blue paste they claim will grant their men much virility.

"The penis blessing is one of the most important rituals of recent times, because the penises will be blessed with health, with power, and for a long time," said Tapirape Chieftess Eva Verino.

In an elaborate ritual, Tapirape Shaman Whispering Wind painted blue paste Tapirape men's penises, who then danced with their blue wieners flopping around like a fish in a boat. 

Catten doing the virility dance

The tribe regards the recipe -- which Wind claimed was "inspired by Tupã who created the first humans" -- as a closely guarded secret and refused to provide anything more than vague details on what's in it.

“The recipe mixes the sap from special weeds, leaves from plants with senses, and juices from delicious fruits and medicinal roots," the shaman said.

Whatever is in the mixture, it is untested and unproven. Despite the lack of data on the concoction, the Tapirape swear by it.

Really, Bubba?

 "Once again, native ancestral medicine is gaining ground over foreign medicine, and we will continue to keep our secret," Chieftess Eva said. "Never make the mistake of not believing in the efficacy of ancient medicine. Never try to imitate us, because you don't know the shamanic recipes, you don't know their techniques."

Not only are the Tapirape guarding the secret recipe, the tribe's shamans will only bless penises of bonafide Tapirape men.

Nonetheless, it was an interesting ritual to behold. In case you missed it, here's a few more photos.

The Tapriape men shake it for the ladies

I'm blue...Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa

You missed a spot.

While you're down there...

Behold...penis paste!

Tepin cooks up the super secret penis paste

Chieftess Eva Verino
