Amazon Polite Society wins gold in Amazon World Cup

Halftime show with the sexy World Cup Cheerleaders
Photos by Persephone Bolero









Bolero News Services

AMAZON — The Amazon Polite Society won the first-place gold award in the Amazon World Cup Tournament today. The Tapirape Tribe took the silver, followed by a bronze placement for the Xoco. Lastly, the Allstars team went home with the Most Valuable Team award. 

The Polite Society vies for victory against the Allstars

The event organized by the husband and wife duo, Whispering Wind and Catten, of the Tapirape.

Kiki Bolero served as goalie on the Society team for its first match, and while the lovable girl fiercely defended the goal, it was generally agreed she was the Cutest Goalie Ever. Bolero also showed off her cheer leading skills between rounds, which impressed everyone. 

Kiki and her mother, Persephone, cheer on the Society

The event also featured a spectacular fireworks display during the halftime show, with the Amazon World Cup Cheer Leading Team.

The Amazon Polite Society, headed by Eve and Dylan Heartsong, is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing civilized values, advanced medicine, and good hygiene practices to the people of the Amazon. 

Possibly due to the influence of this high-minded group, the competition was carried out without any major injuries or rioting.

Kiki went streaking. Bad Kiki! Bad!

Today's civilized gold-place winners

After the game, the winners show off their trophies.

A higher level of adorable

Sizzling hot halftime show with lots of wardrobe failures

Behold...the power of pigtails

Men in the Amazon have huge balls

How come men don't chase me like this ball?

Yami sweeps the floor with the competition

This chieftess is too sexy for this field.
